How to reduce the noise of swimming pool heat pumps?

How to reduce the noise of swimming pool heat pumps?

How to reduce the noise of swimming pool heat pumps?

How to limit the operating noise of the swimming pool heat pump?

The swimming pool heat pump is undoubtedly a heating method very popular with swimming pool owners. However, one complaint that is often cited is the noise it can generate. Are heat pumps noisy? The answer is yes". You must therefore do everything possible to create as little inconvenience as possible for yourself and the neighborhood. Serious technological advances now make it possible to limit the noise level. But, choosing its location carefully, successfully installing it, adapting its use and ensuring maintenance can reduce the operating noise of the heat pump.

Take the neighborhood into account

The noise level of a swimming pool heat pump is between 45 and 65 dB, depending on the quality of the machine and its power. This noise, this purring can sometimes bother neighbors and become a source of conflict. If no regulation gives guidelines on the installation of the swimming pool heat pump, another protects your neighbors from the noise and noise pollution that you can cause.

To maintain good relations with your neighborhood it is better apply a few rules to limit the noise that the heat pump can make.

Choosing the right location for your swimming pool heat pump

For everyone's acoustic comfort, wall angles should be avoided, as should locations that could create resonance, such as small courtyards. It is advisable to keep the pool heat pump away from living rooms, bedrooms and windows in general. This is valid for both the owner's house and that of the neighbors! A heat pump installed right in front of the neighbor's window risks being perceived as an unwise choice.

Installation of the swimming pool heat pump

The choice of machine orientation is essential. The flow of cold air discharged must be judiciously directed towards a “neutral” place, neither towards a place of passage, nor towards the property of neighbors, if we want to maintain good relations!

To reduce the propagation of vibrations and reduce noise, it is possible to install the heat pump on anti-vibration supports such as Bigfoot or silent blocks.

The swimming pool heat pump must not be placed directly on the ground, but slightly raise it. Its location must be stable and level but a concrete base tends to increase the reverberation of noise.

Another possibility is to place the pool heat pump high up so that the noise is not diffused through the floor.

If the heat pump is stuck to the wall, the vibrations of the fan can propagate. It is often advisable to leave a space of around fifty centimeters between the wall and the pump.

Using the pool heat pump

To respect the sleep of neighbors and also because the lower nighttime temperatures do not allow the heat pump to give its full heating potential, it is not recommended to operate this equipment during the night (except at the start of the season). or the heat pump operates 24 hours a day).

It may be wise, if possible, to operate the heat pump when the neighbors are away, at work, etc.

What are the solutions to reduce the noise of the swimming pool heat pump?

Regular maintenance by a professional and by yourself is one of the ways to prevent the heat pump from becoming too noisy.

Leaves, twigs, etc. that get stuck in the fan can accentuate the noise. You must therefore take care to remove them, just as you must check the fixing parts of the heat pump to avoid vibrations and therefore noise.

If the heat pump makes an unusual noise, because one of the elements that compose it is defective, stop it. This avoids annoying the neighborhood and protects the machine from a breakdown which could worsen if it continues to malfunction!

Cover your swimming pool with a bubble cover, a submerged or above-ground cover or a safety cover when a heat pump heats the water, it is interesting for several reasons. Not only is heat loss limited but the heat pump will operate for less time, therefore less noise, happy neighbors and energy savings for you!

Noise screens, acoustic screens or even boxes soundproofing, suitable shelters can be effective solutions to limit the noise from this equipment.

Here is the range of “least noise” for the swimming pool heat pump! These few “tips” will allow you to maintain good relations with the neighborhood. But be careful, low-cost “small quality” swimming pool heat pumps, from unknown brands and cheap ones, are often the ones that are the noisiest.

What noise level is acceptable for a swimming pool heat pump and what do the regulations say about noise pollution from a swimming pool heat pump? Discover our answers and advice in these articles dedicated to the noise of swimming pool heat pumps.

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